Startup BrainKey offers brain MRI direct to consumers
Curated By dmccarron in AuntMinnie · October 15, 2020 · No comments
Tags: BrainKey, Kate Madden Yee, Owen Phillips
Startup BrainKey offers brain MRI direct to consumers A California-based startup called BrainKey is offering MRI exams straight to consumers with the pitch that they can explore 3D models of their own brains. BrainKey’s backers believe that the service will help consumers assess their brain health and could prompt early care for future ailments.
A California-based startup called BrainKey is offering MRI exams straight to consumers with the pitch that they can explore 3D models of their own brains. BrainKey’s backers believe that the service will help consumers assess their brain health and could prompt early care for future ailments.