Is your private health data safe in your workplace wellness program?

Discover the critical privacy concerns surrounding workplace wellness programs in this eye-opening article from PBS NewsHour. As the demand for employee wellness initiatives soars, a hidden challenge emerges: data privacy. Many companies are pressuring their workers to divulge sensitive health information, but are they safeguarding it as promised?

The article reveals a void in regulation or voluntary standards, leaving employees vulnerable to potential misuse of their health data. With the industry boom projected to reach $12 billion, concerns about data sharing with third parties and the so-called “great American marketing machine” intensify.

Learn how wellness vendors’ privacy policies may contradict their assurances and how de-identified data sharing could lead to unintended consequences.

Is your private health data safe in your workplace wellness program?

“The privacy issues are profound,” said Pam Dixon, executive director of the World Privacy Forum, an advocacy group. “If people are being asked to wear a biometric electronic device, or use a mobile app or work within a wellness program, that data can be used in ways that may be very, very surprising to people.”
